
I want to know why do gas flow rate in cement industry measure by Nm3 (normal cubic meter) not by m3?


This is the conversion formula:

Ideal Gas Law: PV = nRT,

Let n= 1

R = Pact.Vact/ Tact                      At given temp & pressure

R = P0.V0/ T0                            At normal condition (0 °C & 1.0 atm)

Pact.Vact/Tact = P0.V0/T0

è V0 = Vact . (Pact/ P0) . (T0/ Tact)


Q0 = Qact . (Pact/ P0) . (T0/ Tact)


Q0 = QN = Gas flow rate at normal condition (0 °C & 1.0 atm)

Qact = Measured flow rate in m3/h

Pact = Pmeasured + Pambient

Pambient = 1.01325 bar

P0 = Pressure at normal condition (1.0 atm

T0 = Temperature at normal condition (0 °C = 273°K)

Tact = Measured Temperature in °K


QN = Qact . ((Pmeasured + Pambient)/ P0) . (T0/ Tact)       [Nm3/h]


Significant deviation from ideal gas behaviour appears when the empty space between molecules is reduced as e.g. high pressures or low temperatures. Compressibility factor (Z) uses to determine how much a gaseous system deviates from ideality. For ideal gas Z=1.0, any deviation of the compressibility factor from 1.0 is a non-ideality (real gas).

Z is not a constant factor for real gas but changes with pressure and temperature and can be determined from the Compressibility Factor table (or graphic) where K (compressibility number) = 1/Z.


QN = Qact . ((Pmeasured + Pambient)/ P0) . (T0/ Tact) . (1/K)       [Nm3/h]


Example: (Incoming Natural Gas)

QN =? Nm3/h

Qact = 2956 m3/h

Pmeasured = 5.4 bar

Tact = 1.3°C+273 = 274.3 °K

Z (=1/K) = 1/0.99 = 1.01


QN = 2956 x ((5.4 + 1.01325)/ 1.01325) x (273/ 274.3) x 1.01 = 18804 Nm3

2956 x ((5.4 + 1.01325)/ 1.01325) x (273/ 274.3) x 1.01 = 18804 Nm3

Best Regards;
