why the load of main motor of mill reduces with chocking of mill?
can we calculate how much load will go down by how much chocking?
tell me actaul calculation?
what is arm of garvity & torrque factor for ball mill?
Dear xxxx,
When the mill is chocked it only rotates like a drum.The feed material + balls thrown cetrifugally outward toward mill liners and remain stick over there.There is no grinding process going on but a "choked process".
Cascading and cateracting are the processes whereby the grinding balls are lifted as well as spin around; and on the material resulting in to reduction in the size of feed material progressively on mill liners.During this process mill has to work hard to take a rotation (torque) and hence the power on the mill motor increases vis-a-vis choked mill chocked condition.
Bhaskar Agate
Dear Bhasker Agate
When mill is going in chock condition mill main drive kw will reduced due material is not ground .but you say kw m.d will increased.
Main drive kw only increase when less grinding media charge and small size of grinding media with respect feed size and feed rate ( due to material not pass through mill ).
With regards
Dear GKS,
You are correct in stating that main drive kw only increase when less grinding media charge and small size of grinding media w.r.t. feed size and feed rate.
However, it was to be stated in my reply that Kwh/t of material increases in chocked condition of the mill as there is no output from the mill.
Warm regards
Bhaskar Agate