Hi, Our finish mill using dragpeb/wave liner for 2nd chamber and we use grinding ball size 17,20,25 and 30 mm. But the classification is not achieved, even a reverse segregation/ classification of grinding ball occurs, with small ball (17 and 20mm) being directed towards the inlet end and large ball (25 and 30 mm) towards the outlet end of the 2nd chamber. It is clear that such a situation will lower the efficiency of the mill. Why this condition can occured? What is the cause and how to solve it? Thanks for your information and explannation. Regards, Aris
Chemical Gem
Dear Aris,
First Check your Linears heigth.If it was wear out there is a chance improper Classification.Check it and also let me know the material status in the mill,when you made crash stop.If liners is normal check the feed size, and also do chamber analysis.If your problem is not solved then let me know your mill full details.
Nick Hepher
If this is a true Dragpeb lining, then you will not get classification of the media. If it is a classifying liner, I would not expect any real classification with the tight range of ball sizes. The ball size grading looks typical for a dragpeb lining though, and will give you the best mill efficiency, irrespective of whether you get some reverse classification - provided your first chamber is doing its job properly.