dear all what the difference between the ordinary and low pressure drop cyclones?

What exactly do you mean by Ordinary Cyclone? if i take it as "Conventional Cyclone" in contrast to LP (low pressure drop cyclone) the main difference lies in its Name that's pressure drop
usually LP Cyclones have pressure drop in the range of 5 - 8 mbar( 50 - 80 mmWG) where as conventional cyclones have higher than that.....

There was that Resourceful article entitled "Further development of the cyclone preheater on the basis of model investigations by W.Kreft,H.W.Thiemeyer and R.Beyer,Beckum ZKG - Nr .2/1995 PP: 67-76 published in ZKG" for all whom design of cyclones concerns
Now Coming to your questions
1) The main difference in modren cyclones (LP Cyclones) and Conventional Cyclones (Old Cyclones)
a) now modren cyclones operates with seperation far higher efficiency of more than 90%(polysius cyclones) for all stages in preheater ( this increases in gas direction)
b) Pressure drop across LP cyclones is now ranges between 50 - 80 mmWG (This increases again in Gas direction)
c) Now if we designated the volume of Conventional Cyclones (Old Cyclones) as "X" then LP Cyclones will have volume of 0.6.X to 0.8 X (changes from supplier to supplier)
2) For pressure drop and flow rate in each stage please refer to or for practical determination you can refer to ISO 5801 or BS-848
3)Again you can refer to for standards.lalbatros has given such a good articles, however you can also refer to 19th and 20th chapter of 6th edition - Perry's chemical engineers' Handbook and also let me stress her the design standards of supplier like (FLS,Polysius,KHD or PSP etc.,) are propriety material and not accessible to everyone