dear all To all those interested in this industry great. Gently I do not know what the maximum conversion factor of the clinker is allowed globally. Is 66% clinker and 34% of lost? Maximum value it can increase this value. As we know it depends on the nature of the raw material

Michael Clark
The majority of Portland cement clinker manufactured around the world has a lime saturation of between 90 and 100%. This means that c.1.55 tonnes of raw mix are required and c.0.55 tonnes of CO2 are lost due to calcination of the CaCO3 in the raw material. The clinker factor is therefore 0.65 x the amount of raw mix.

Dear elwathig, there is no any limitation or allowness regarding conversion factor. Less the conversion factor is benefitial. Mostly it depends on the nature of raw meal (generally of limestone),on the LOI. Simple conversion factpr = 100 / (100-LOI). But Preheater gases carry with them quantity of dust depending upon the efficiency of the cyclones which is generally between 0.92 - 0.94. Thus if efficiency is 92 %, and raw meal factor 1.59, raw meal to clinker ratio for kiln feed would be 1.59/0.92 = 1.73. In more correct calculations you should give a losses from cooler exhaust also.

Thank you all for this good information. but 1/ the cyclones efficiency,it can consider tobe fixed at any time and for any conditions or will changes . And how it can be appreciated if we consider that there is a change in efficiency of cyclones