dear all actually i want know whats the relation between IDfan and cooler exhust fan suction?at when this value gooing to more negative or more positive?as we know this value means zero point?

Dear elwathig
I'll try to answer. If you want to know real connection, you should go to your cotrol room and close a little a suction of cooler exhaust fan, and if you do this again you can see a smoke from your kiln hood or in control room you can see how the static pressure in the hot end of your kiln become -3 then -2 then -1 and finally 0, but when the 0 is in the kiln it is very bad condition. The 0 will be in the 1st compartment of the cooler. In the kiln hot end the st. pressure (the draft) must be about -1 to -3.

From the cooler air input , part of the air is going to the cooler stack and remaining is used in kiln as secondary and tertiary air. The ID fan is influencing the hood draft.
Nul point will be inside the cooler after the recuperation zone. Vent fan speed will be controlled by hood draft so as to maintain constant recuperation air to the kiln and adjust the vent fan speed accordingly.

If you want to know the Null point in your Cooler,
then you add each Cooler Fans flows which should equal to the combustion air required
for Kiln Fuel and PC Fuel,
then that is your Null Point.