how can i calculate the dedusting volume required for a clinker transport DPC & for a raw material feeding hopper to primary crusher . In thos hopper run of mines limestone is dumped for crushing? is there any relation with the size of the DPC & tph & hopper top cross section area ? if yes tell me that. my clinker dpc is of 800mm wide & other 1000mm wide. Hopper top cross section is 25-30 m2 . i have read somewhere that for dpc feeding point of 800 mm size we require 9000m3/hr & for discharge we require 9000m3/hr separate. For bins it is 4000m3/hr/m2 of bin cross section. is these figures ok. raj

Mr xxxx
For continuous feeding hopper/bin of limestone a general formula of minimum volume of 3600m3/hr/m2 is taken or you can try
k* Volume of material entering
where k=1 for large bins, too low feed, and coarse material
at extreme k=50 for small bins , high feed rate and fine material.

Bhaskar Agate
How to design nuisance dust collection system
- Identify dust emission points
- Based on this determine the location of dust collector
- Locate dust collectors so as to minimize the length of duct runs
- For multiple vent points, provide additional dust collectors to minimize duct runs
- Avoid horizontal sections and unnecessary bends
- Estimate airflow quantities for each take off points based on accepted industry standards for equipment involved.
- 500c.f.m. per foot of belt width for speed of 200fpm recommended qty. of air for belt conveyor or transfer point.
- The capture velocity 150 to 200 f.p.m. so that very fine dust particles are picked up.
- Once the dust is captured, increase the velocity to carry the suspended particles to dust collector.
- 4000 to 4500 f.p.m. normal carrying velocity for nuisance dust
- Design duct bwork with 45 deg. slope or greater.
- Once ducting has been sized, estimate friction losses to arrive at the fan specification.
- Usage of either low or high air to cloth ratio collectors & bag cleaning system.
You may pl. refer Duda book for clarifications.
Bhaskar Agate