Some plants normally don't change their Kiln burner or auxiliaries,even after switching to alternate fuel or plant enhancement. So they face operational problems like ring formation, burning zone brick spalling, ball formation and quality fluctuations.

If you also face the same problems or want to know more about your burner, fill details in gray cell so that I can calculate your kiln burner specification according to your present plant condition. email your details to Once I calculate then we will discuss / share your problem with other expert also.



Data Entry.Date of Operation 
Kiln Primary Air Flow ( Jet Air ) Nm3 /hr 
Kiln primary Air temp. ( after blower) C
Ambient Temp. C
Kiln Natural Gas Flow  (Optional) Nm3 /hr 
Kiln Natural Gas temp.  (Optional) C
Approximate air flow through Central air.  (Optional) Nm3 /hr 
Kiln Coal T/ Hr
Kiln Coal transport Air Flow m3 /hr 
Kiln Coal transport Air Temp. °C
Kiln Coal transport Air pipe Dia. Ø mm
Kiln Oil flow T/ hr  (Optional) T/ Hr
Total Heat Consumption. Kcal/Kg Clinker
Total Kiln Output per day TPD Tons/day
Kiln Fuel Ratio vs. Calciner %
Kiln BE O2 %
Axial Pipe Position mm
Swirl Pipe Position  mm
Gas Pipe Position  mm
Coal Pipe Position  mm
Altitude of Plant or Spe. Location ( Msl ) Mts
Coal Calorific value kcal/Kg
Gas Calorific value kcal/Nm3
Oil Calorific value kcal/kg
Plant Name    
Your name   
Don't fill below cells, this result you will get afterward
General Calculated norms.  
Barometric Pressure in mm Wg mmwg
Barometric Pressure in m  bar m bar
Barometric Pressure in mm Hg mm Hg
Air Density Kg/M3
Calculated Combustion air (Approx) Nm3 Nm3/Hr
Calculated Combustion air (Approx)  M3 M3/hr   or
Calculated Combustion air (Approx) Kg/M3 Kg/hr
Burner Pipe specification  
Flame momentum ( Relative impulse ) %
Burner capacity /Hr
Specific momentum of Primary Air N/MW
Burner capacity / Hr
Burner capacity MW / Hr
% of Primary air through Axial. %
% of Primary air through Swirl. %
% of Primary air through Center & Gas pipe. %
Required Fuel Gas Tip Velocity m/sec.
Required Coal Burner tip Velocity.  m/sec.
Required Coal Pipe Velocity.  m/sec.
Burner Pipe movement  
Axial cross section reduction % % mm
Swirl cross section reduction % % mm
Gas cross section reduction % % mm
Coal cross section reduction % % mm
Fuel Requirement Calculated @ min ~ max CV  
Variable %
If Burner design for multifuel with its Max Capacity.Max Req.Min Req.
Max Required Coal / pet with full Kiln Firing.  
Max Required Gas with full Kiln Firing.  
Max Required Oil with full Kiln Firing.  
Jet Air Calculation.  
Calculated Jet air % %
Calculated Jet Air Nm3 Nm3
Calculated Jet air (Approx)  M3 M3/hr   or
Calculated Jet air (Approx) Kg/M3 Kg/hr
Jet Air Velocity. M/Sec
Calculated Total Cross Section mm2
Calculated  cross section for Axial mm2
Calculated cross section for Swirl mm2
Calculated cross section for central pipe mm2
Total Primary air ( Jet + Coal Trans  Air ) % %
Gas Channel  
Required cross section for Gas channel mm2
Coal Channel  
Required cross section for Coal channel mm2
Oil Channel.  
Oil burner gun channel Dia
Oil Burner gun cross section mm2
Blower & Transport pipe Requirement for 100% Coal Firing   
Coal Transport pipe Velocity M/Sec  
Calculated Required Coal Transport Air Nm3 Nm3/min
Calculated Coal Transept. air (Approx)  M3 M3/hr   or M3/min
Calculated  Coal Transept. air (Approx) Kg / Hr Kg/hr Kg/min
Required Coal Transport pipe Dia. mm  
Required Coal Transport pipe Dia. Inch  
Calculated Maximum &  Minimum of individual channels.   
Calculated Oil channel cross section  mm2  
Calculated Central Air channel cross section  mm2  
Calculated Axial Air channel cross section  mm2 mm2
Calculated Swirl Air channel cross section  mm2 mm2
Calculated Gas channel cross section  mm2 mm2
Calculated Coal channel  cross section  mm2 mm2