Raj Sahu
198 posts
TimePosted 09/09/2011 10:34:38
Raj Sahu says

Re: Lime-treated Gypsum

Dear Mr.Silastman,

Benefited means we all will get more knowledge about beneficiation of chemical gypsum by chemical treatment.


Raj Sahu


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84 posts
TimePosted 09/09/2011 15:55:03
Silastman says

Re: Lime-treated Gypsum

Dear Raj Sahu,

I see. My investigation connect not only with chemical treatment of chemical gypsum, but with complex treatment - mecanical (highe pressure) & chemical. I find, that under pressure change pH, thermodinamic & structural properties of gypsum. Use of this knowlege, I can lowering energy consumption on manufactoring of gypsum & cement, making highe strength & water proof gypsum & new solid phase, low temperature synthesiring Portland cement.  I'm upload this articles on next week.



84 posts
TimePosted 09/09/2011 18:08:46
Silastman says

Re: Lime-treated Gypsum

Main question of this topic. Begin of hardening of cement with simple lime treatment phosphogypsum is more than 10 hours. In order to lower this time, before pressing in phosphogypsum with lime add Al(OH)3 or Fe2O3. Under pressure in gypsum formated 3CaO Al2O3 CaSO4 10 H20 or 3CaO Fe2O3 10 H2O. This minerals lowering time begin of hardening of cement up to 2 or 3 hours. 



84 posts
TimePosted 12/09/2011 15:29:08
Silastman says

Re: Lime-treated Gypsum

Not publish article about Fe2O3 dust with chemical gypsum.


PS If you want publish this material, please sent me message.
