Dear Sir We are having two cement mills with Roller Press Close circuit ( Single Chamber) Grinding Media Pattern :- Cement Mill No-1 Cement Mill No-2 30mm Nil 4.47% 25 mm 15% 15.46 % 20 mm 10% 18.56% 17 mm 75% 28.52 % 15 mm Nil 32.99 % We are producing OPC Cement with 10% Residue on 325 mesh ( 45 Micron) and Blaine value is 310 m2 / kg with 3% Raw Dust / Filler having blaine 700 m2/kg. We want to produce OPC Cement with Approx. 10% Residue but 380-400 m2/Kg Blaine. Please give your comments and suggestion. Thanks & Regards Dilip Yadav