72 posts
TimePosted 13/10/2011 11:15:03
elwathig says

snow man

Dear:all we facing problem in the kiln due to snow man there am asking about the solution


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fluence sysbacip
46 posts
TimePosted 15/10/2011 12:47:31

Re: snow man

There are different reasons behind the formation of snow man  like raw meal chemistry, clinker burning , air distribution etc.

Try to regulate the kiln operation to avoid over heating or dusty behavior of kiln. Use air cannons efficiently.




technical cement forms
85 posts
TimePosted 15/10/2011 17:10:05

Re: snow man

Snowman  formation in cooler is quite a burden where ever we have these stationery grates for whatever obvious reasons they are installed.I sometimes feel that the demerits far outweigh the merits..because in our plants we have these installed long back and we are still struggling  to avoid these snowman formation...We have the blasters..the cameras to identify  these formation...as well as inspection doors and high pressure water guns as a last resort to  remove these snowman to avoid the snowman from growing to a mammoth stage and then bring the plant to a halt...we have to struggle hours together to remove  these formations from the grates when the plant is running...The reason for formation is far too many and so have no other alternative but to remove manually...is my conclusion.



jayaram sudhakar
5 posts
TimePosted 27/02/2012 07:22:46

re Re: snow man

Hi all,

If you feel the snowman i quiet frequent check the raw mix. if nothing can be adjusted with the material available from the mines, try to have the kiln max 500 mm insde the kiln to have some cooling region in the kiln itself.

if even this doesn't work opt for ABC inlet ( stationary fixed inlet) for coolers. These are installed in many coolers across the globe( latest invention from FLS) to avoid snowman, FLS showed a plant reference in US where the plant used to stop every 3 days once becuase of snownman buildup. after this ABC inlet installation it has been running without staoppage for the last 2 -3 years it seems.


