Could you tell me what are the sources for Formula-2 and Formula-4 ?
Could you also explain what is meant by "Residue" in Formula-4, is that the residue on 30µm ?
As a first comment, I would question first which fineness measurement is the best suited to predict power consumption. Would it be the Blaine, or would it be the residues? Or, maybe, is the correlation between Blaine and Residue so strong that both are equivalent?
Intuitively, I would prefer the Blaine to correlate with power consumption.
That's because, I spnotaneaously think that grinding is about creating surface and this is what the power consumption goes to ... but with a very bad efficiency!
On the other side, first-order laws for Residues ( Rout=RIn exp(-E/Z) ) are -apparently- a well established point of view. More precisely the Austin model is the most accepted and can be approximated as a first order law on residues.
Finally, let me observe that it is possible to have rather different Blaines for the same residues, specialy if the slope of the Rosin-Rammler curve is different. Would it mean that residues and blaine do correlate well only on ball mills and in certain
conditions that ensure a standard slope of the RMM curve?
Experimental data needed !