Dear  All

I am facing problem of very high free lime in clinker upto 4% , the litre weight is 1100 to 1200 but free lime is still high.

Previously withthis litre weught i was getting  1.5 to 2% free lime , but now my kiln production has reduced from 155 tph to 140 tph kiln feed.

Raw meal residue are same 17% on 90 mic & 2 % on 212 mic. , coal mix is 80% petcoke & 20% south african coal with mix residue of 3-3.5% on 90 mic.

Kiln inlet no CO , oxygen around 2.3% , ILC kiln

Flame momentum 1800%m/s .

SO3 in hot meal 1.3% , while calcination in hot meal is more than 99% .

If i reduce coal in calcinator my freelime increases & clinker litre weight goes down.

Also brown core inside clinker nodules are seen. 

Please suggest.
