Dear all, (especially Ted whose therads I read voraceously)
The phenomenon is consistent and characteristic of our cement and emphasizes with increase in CF, i.e., CEM I and clinker C3S (bogue calc) . Additionally, it relates to lower initial and final setting times by 10- 15 min. I understand that there's a mechanism that is fuelling the hydration process that of course on the other hand the finer the cement the faster it progresses. Some data are:
Cement tempreature typically 70 deg C moisture 0.3 - 0.4%. We use natural gypsum dehydrate, Clinker is typically 9 - 10.5 C3A and 60 C3S Bogue with 1.3% free lime and 0.9 - 1.2 SO3. It's always puzzling me, and I find it hard to come across some article describing our case. I would appreciate if any of you have encountered such case and what is the theroetical support to this phenomenon.
El qumico