6 posts
TimePosted 25/01/2013 12:28:02
Abuthalib says

Effect of Basalt in kiln feed

Dear all,

What will be the effect of "Addition of Basalt about 4-5% in kiln feed"?

If any body is having the experience about this, kindly explain.

Abuthalib Ahamed


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Ted Krapkat
537 posts
TimePosted 31/01/2013 05:30:43

re Effect of Basalt in kiln feed

Hello Abuthalib,

Basalt is very hard and contains high concentrations of alkalis (2-6%) and MgO (5-12%) so you would have to consider the impact on grinding in the mill as well as ensuring that the K2O, Na2O and MgO concentrations in the raw meal are not too high.

May I ask, why are you adding basalt to your raw mix and not clay or shale? Do you require high alkalis to balance high sulphur in the limestone, for example?



