28 posts
TimePosted 13/03/2013 18:29:12
shastrib says

Clinker grindability

Good Day,

is there anyway besides microscopy to measure/predict the hardness/grindability of clinker?


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Ted Krapkat
537 posts
TimePosted 14/03/2013 02:37:43

re Clinker grindability

Hello Shastrib,

The Bond Work Index is one practical method.





Arthur Harrisson
7 posts
TimePosted 05/04/2013 16:25:29

re Clinker grindability

Some years ago I had some grindability testing done by Magotteaux.

Two separate tests were performed, the first was the SGI test which assessed the number of
revolutions within a test mill that were required to produce a surface area of
350 m2/kg. The second was a breakability test which assessed the height that a
steel ball must be dropped from to break a clinker nodule.

I don't know if this testing is still available but it was useful when grinding a number of different imported clinkers


36 posts
TimePosted 11/04/2013 07:28:46
BLM says

re Clinker grindability

Dear Shastri B

I have procedrue for clinker grindability test in excel formate. If u insert the require values it will give the Bonds work index. If u r interested please give your email id so that i can mail u procedure as well as calculations. Following is my mail id.



