Dear All
Raw mix having courser quartz and calcite is difficult to burn. The first attempt one has to take is to grind raw meal finer.
But plant having wet grinding has limitation as finer raw meal creates filter cloth jamming and hence affects the productivity.
A typical raw mix details are as follows
Acid insoluble residue on 45 micron , quartz - 7-8%
Normal residue on 212 micron is 2.9 - 3.1%
Chemical composition of clinker
SiO2 - 22.0 to 22.2 , Al2O3 - 5.2 to 5.5 , Fe2O - 3.9 to 4.1 , CaO - 64.8 to 65.0 , MgO - 0.7 , K2O - 0.5 , Na2O - 0.2 , SO3 - 0.6 to 0.8 , LSF - 90-92, C3S - 40 -42, SM - 2.3 - 2.4 , AM - 1.3-1.5 , Liquid content at 1338 deg C - 23-25 and at 1400 deg C is 25 to 28
Plant is using pet coke in kiln firing only and coal firing in calciner. ASR is more or less balanced.
What actions can be taken further to improve clinker reactivity?