Raju Verma
77 posts
TimePosted 19/05/2013 06:25:30

Impact of P2O5 in clinker and cement chemically?

Hi everyone


what is the impact of P2O5 in clinker ( chemical compound details) quality ?

similary in cemen?

best regards

raju verma




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Raj Sahu
198 posts
TimePosted 21/05/2013 06:29:44
Raj Sahu says

re Impact of P2O5 in clinker and cement chemically?

A higher P2O5:

1.Accelerates the clinkerization reaction

2. Reduces the intensity of internal volatile cycle.

3.Reduces the early strength

4.Reduces C3S content

Limiting Range should be : 0-1%

Preferable range should be : 0.3- 0.5%


Raju Verma
77 posts
TimePosted 21/05/2013 07:24:48

re Impact of P2O5 in clinker and cement chemically?

thanks raj



can you share some chemical reaction for why it's happen for better understanding?

thanks once again for reply



Raj Sahu
198 posts
TimePosted 21/05/2013 08:38:21
Raj Sahu says

re Impact of P2O5 in clinker and cement chemically?

Please read the article "Effect of P2O5 and Chloride on clinkering reaction" for better understanding


