77 posts
Bond index and energy index?
Dear Expert
here my some question regarding Bond and energy index
1.) What is the basis differenc between this two theory.?
2.) Some people say Bond calculate for residue and energy index for blaine, is that true?
3.) Procudue for checking both value are same or any difference?
4.) What about lab ball mill is that any standard criteria for disign that in both cases?
for your replay
raju verma
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537 posts
re Bond index and energy index?
Hello Raju,
The so-called Energy Index was introduced in the early 1970s (see link below:- page 64) but I don't think it is used much in the cement industry.
The difference between the Energy Index and the Bond Work Index is that the Bond index is intended for use with actual mills whereas the Energy Index is directly obtained from the results of laboratory mills.
However, the Energy Index is directly related to the Bond Work Index by the formula;-
Work Index = C * Energy Index (where C is a constant)
The constant C is a coefficient that represents the relative efficiency of the laboratory mill compared with that of the actual mill. (p70)
77 posts
re Bond index and energy index?
Dear ted thanks
please correct my understanding if I am wrong.
1.)energy index in the laboratory test and by using the "C" factor we can establised the Bond work index which is appalicable for the inductrial mill.
2.) I experience in many inductries people use different type of lab ball mill for testing (totally different with the details what you give in attachement link). what is the the impact of this variation on result?
3.) "C" factor how we deterrmine
raju verma
By energy index
537 posts
re Bond index and energy index?
Hello Raju,
Not exactly...
I'm not an expert on this, but as I understand it... the constant C can only be obtained by performing both a Bond Work index and an Energy Index test on the same material. The Bond work index is the standard test while the Energy Index is a relative measurement which allows you to compare the grinding energy requirement of different materials tested in the same laboratory mill.