
Just recently we were forced to used low grade coal(GCV < 9000 Btu) from a local supplier due to financial constraints. Moreover, we had to settle with a low grade limestone(dark colored*) every now and then.

As observed, we are producing clinker which in regular size only that the core is brownish and quite hard and only a thin portion is apparently burned. Hardness may range from mild to severe i.e steel-like hardness to some extent although nodulized. We have liter weight range between 1.30-1.46 but chemical analysis for example SiO2 is unusually low(or in this case normal) in comparison to previous situation where it may reach as high as 22-24% SiO2. Considering the chemical analysis of the recent clinker that we have produced is not representative of the physical characteristics that can be observed, we are having difficulty rooting the cause of the problem.


We hope to hear your views and suggestions, and be enlightened the soonest time possible.

Thank you.

Note: I thought there might be some corrrelation between limestone quality with its color and its overall effect to clinker hardness i.e dark colored-poor clinker quality