What is the raison for a kiln ( 60m ,3600t/d) to have a ring every time we start it after a short stop.
Ring on the sintering zone.
File attached. The green color was the ring.
Sinter Rings: Sinter rings forms at the beginning of the burning zone, and they also have appearance and composition like clinker. These rings establish at the point in the kiln where liquid phase is beginning to form, but during the course of a kiln turn, the melt comes into contact with a cooler surface and re-soldifies, binding clinker particles together. This process can repeat until a ring forms. This type of ring is most likely to develop where there is a long and lazy flame.
Thanks a lot raj
Thank you raj.
Durant a start up the flame is longer even if the stop was short. We have changing the way we start the kiln.
- speed of primary air 80-----97%
- kiln speed 0.5------1rpm
- start pc burner before feeding.