Ramesh Aital
26 posts
TimePosted 16/01/2014 11:34:56

Positive Pressure after preheater fan outlet

We have 500 tpd plant,after preheater we have heat exchanger and bag filter system and we are drawing hot gas to the raw mill,it has been observed that when raw mill not running we are getting positive pressure at preheater fan outlet and heat exchanger system getting pressurized, avg raw mill running in a day is 14 to 15 hrs and kiln running 24 hrs, what is the effect of positive pressure at preheater fan outlet and on what extent it will affect on kiln operation, clinker production and quality, if we maintain negative pressure contineously, what extent it will benfits, please brief us, Thank you, Ramesh Aital


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10 posts
TimePosted 16/01/2014 12:06:39
maw says

re Positive Pressure after preheater fan outlet

  i will give you some suggestions

1/readjusting your dampers and control dust load intrering your filter

2/ incerase the effeciency of your filter and reduce DP

3/ reduce uotlet temp. from your kiln so gas volume will reduce and then more negativity will be achaved

       i hope this help

