14 posts
TimePosted 08/04/2014 08:34:37

cement and limestone

dear all

I am noticed that whene added limestone(4%) and gypsum(4%) to the klinker the producte cement has ahigh compressive strength .

whate is reason of the high compressive strength in the cement whene we are added limestone during  granding in cement mill . and please explain the chemical reaction it is take place to give this increase .

hendy alheety


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84 posts
TimePosted 08/04/2014 10:17:51
Silastman says

re cement and limestone

We told about it in this topic http://www.cemnet.com/Forum/thread/109099?page=3


14 posts
TimePosted 10/04/2014 08:05:01

re cement and limestone

thank you yery much for your scientific answer sir
