9 posts
TimePosted 10/01/2017 19:41:48
paylosz says

bag filter cloth

hello All,

We have reached max capacity in our grinding station.

Namely, the ventilator has reached max limit in its vibrations (3-4m/s2).

Can someone sujest ways (besides rebalancing the ventilator) of stabilizing the vibrations of the ventilator ? Namely some ultra efficient absorbers.

Also, alternatively, can someone sujest some ultra efficient cloth for the bags in the bag filter ?

Thank you,



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81 posts
TimePosted 31/01/2017 12:12:53
fjalali says

re bag filter cloth

Hi there,

First try to limit false air in your system. Then reduce air inlet intake by spraying more water to cool the cement instead of cooling with air.

Good luck,

