4 posts
TimePosted 07/09/2018 00:59:05
sherif says

High temp. of cyclone5

Dear all,

we are facing a problem of high temp. of cyclone5 (last one before kiln inlet) which is 950 and more most of the time, and we can't reduce it as the kiln coole down. we caan't also increase MB as kiln will get too hot and kiln inlet oxygen level will decrease. by the way kiln feed LSF is 100.

what could be the problem?


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84 posts
TimePosted 17/09/2018 05:22:20
Kumar says

re High temp. of cyclone5

is the dip tube in good condition?


4 posts
TimePosted 30/09/2018 16:42:29
sherif says

re High temp. of cyclone5

Not checked as the the did not stop.
