Shaik Nadeem
5 posts
TimePosted 22/01/2022 20:57:05

Silica importance in kiln

hello  All 

please assist on why the silica is also important for burning in my case high lsf around 117 lsf of raw meal comes in kiln and coal ash becomes very low at some times and kiln becomes dusty as soon as silica is increased the kiln becomes bright and healty why does it happen and what is the exact technical reason

and any one having reading material for individual elemental importance in kiln please suggest it will help a lot and info regarding kiln burning stages and all reactions taking place in kiln.

Please send it to my email-


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Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 24/04/2022 11:42:55

re Silica importance in kiln

The reason you have such a high kiln feed LSF is because you are firing the kiln with high ash coal. If the ash content of the coal reduces then there is not enough silica, alunmina and iron oxide to fully combine the lime in the kiln feed. The kiln becomes dusty with uncombined meal. When silica is present all the lime can be combined and the kiln becomes bright again.

I suggest you enrol on the CemNet kiln chemistry course.
