Pokot Cement plant faces delays, Kenya
Construction of the Pokot Cement factory in Kenya has failed to start, some eight month since Pri...
Construction of the Pokot Cement factory in Kenya has failed to start, some eight month since Pri...
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has reissued certificates to local Pakistan cement exporters, al...
PT Holcim Indonesia aims to start commercial operations of its 1.7Mta cement plant by the middle ...
Ghana Cement (Ghacem) has announced plans to inject an amount of US$26m into its core operations ...
UBS believes stronger-than-expected cement output in China (+30% on-year) indicates a solid demand
Driven by the consistently prosperous cement market in China, Taiwan Cement Corp.’s China s...
During an Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Italian-based Cementir Holding, company chairman Fran...
European construction output fell in February, led by declines in France and Slovenia.
Pakistan cement manufacturers will support the re-enforcement of Supervised Clearance System (SCS)
In March 2011 Tunisia produced 646,384t of cement, up six per cent on the same month last year wh...
Attock Cement Ltd, Pakistan, has reported a profit after taxation of PKR425.3m in the 9MFY 2010-11
Colombia’s largest cement firm, Cementos Argos has completed a US$400mn modernisation project at ...
Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe has embarked on a US$7m refurbishment programme to boost production.
Testifying today before the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Aris Papadopoulos, CEO o...
Taiheiyo Cement Corp, the country’s largest cement manufacturer, has approached Ube-Mitsubi...
A judge in Bolivia ordered a freeze on assets held by the Andean country’s top cement maker, Soci...