Cement News tagged: International

Oman feels weight of cement influx

10 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Sheltered from the excesses of the global downturn by an independent outlook

Senegal economy to be given a boost by cement?

10 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Senegal’s economy is expected to grow by four per cent

Jidong Cement receives shares in Qinlin Cement

10 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Tangshan Jidong Cement received 50 million shares in

Chile sees construction recovering in second half

10 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Finance Minister Felipe Larrain on Thursday said he

Sharp rise in Scotland’s construction output

Sharp rise in Scotland’s construction output

10 September 2010, Published under Cement News

There was a sharp rise in Scottish construction output in the

China: China’s industries face merger, acquisition push

09 September 2010, Published under Cement News

China’s government has laid out plans to promote industrial mergers

USA: cement sector no longer at rock bottom

USA: cement sector no longer at rock bottom

09 September 2010, Published under Cement News

The cement industry is nothing if not cyclical. US consumption this year could

North Korea asks for cement

09 September 2010, Published under Cement News

North Korea wants rice and materials to repair flood damage such as cement

Poland: cement production rises seven per cent YoY in August

09 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Cement production rises seven per cent YoY in August

Bolivia: Government tries to avoid arbitrage in the nationalisation of Fancesa

09 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Minister of Legal Defence, Elizabeth Arismendi, should coordinate the actions of the Bolivian

Polysius constructs a 3000tpd cement kiln line in Brazil

09 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Polysius has been contracted by CIA de Cimento Itambe, Brazil, to build a new 3000tpd

Malaysia: cement stocks firming up on better 2H outlook

09 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Cement players have seen share prices firming up despite their lacklustre first half results and flattish

Southern India prices seen rising

08 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Indian cement companies Tuesday raised prices by an

Ohorongo signs gypsum supply agreement, Namibia

08 September 2010, Published under Cement News

A local mining company will supply gypsum, which is mined in the Erongo Region,

Tanzania sees improving market

08 September 2010, Published under Cement News

Even though plummeting revenues and skyrocketing costs

Decline in real estate sector hits GCC markets

07 September 2010, Published under Cement News

The GCC cement industry did not perform well during the first half of this year as major real estate projects were halted in the wake of the global recession