The Paraguay Chamber of Construction (Capaco) is negotiating with Chilean businessmen to import cement from that country.
At PYG40,000/bag (US$10), including delivery to a works in the metropolitan area, the Chamber of Mines of Chile offers a cement at a much lower price than local production. Output from the national producer, Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC) is currently sold at PYG50,000-55,000 on a comparable basis.
Capaco president, Ana Lucy Porro, said the miners have their own cement company and are offering the material “in unlimited quantities”. She added that the importation is not only meeting the supply shortfall but also regulates the prices of the sector as free market mechanisms come into play.
Paraguay’s cement demand currently stands at around 80,000 bags per day, but the local cement company produces only about half of that. Currently, the country imports around 20,000 bags per day.