According to data released by the US Geological Survey (USGS) total shipments of Portland and blended cement in the United States and Puerto Rico for March 2010 were about 5.4Mt. At almost 2% higher than shipments in March 2009, this was the first monthly YoY increase since May 2007.

The increase, however, likely reflected a significant component of catch-up work following the exceptionally low shipments in February. Year-to-date shipments were about 12.2 Mt, down by almost 15% from the same period in 2009. The leading producing States (Texas, California, Missouri, Florida, and Alabama, in descending order) shipped nearly 46% of the March total.

The leading consuming states (Texas, California, Florida, Louisiana, and Illinois, in descending order) received about 41% of March’s total shipments.

Clinker production totalled 4.4 Mt, nearly 6% lower than  production in March 2009. Production year-to-date totalled 11.8Mt, down by about 13% from that for the same period in 2009. The leading clinker-producing States (California, Texas, Florida, Alabama, and  Michigan, in descending order) produced 48% of the March total.