Kumar Mangalam Birla-led Aditya Birla Group plans to invest over INR4,000 crore in future technologies by setting up a Knowledge Park and a branch of the Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences (BITS) at Kozhikode in Kerala.

The ruling Left Democratic Front (LDF) will consider the proposal from the Birla Group at its meeting tomorrow.

The commodity-driven business group, so far mainly into manufacturing sectors like cement, metals and fertilisers, plans to float a separate company under group company Grasim Industries to invest in nanotechnology, biotechnology, cutting-edge research and development (R&D), knowledge process management, besides advanced information technology (IT) services at the proposed park, said a group executive.

Elamaram Kareem, Kerala industries and commerce minister, told Business Standard that the Knowledge Park, one of the largest of its kind in India, will come up on 320 acres of land at Mavoor in the suburbs of Kozhikode city on the site of a defunct pulp and fibre unit owned by Gwalior Rayons (now Grasim).