Central governor still disappointed with plant cancellation, Indonesia
Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo said he was still disappointed over the cancellation of the cement plant project in Sukolilo subdistrict, Pati regency.
"I am disappointed because the huge investment was also cancelled, affecting investor confidence in us," he said after attending a special plenum of the Central Java legislative assembly for listening to the President’s address before the House of Representatives in Semarang Friday.
He said the cement plant with a planned investment of IDR5trn, would undoubtedly raise economic growth in the province.
He also said that now several investors are conducting explorations in Central Java such as for upgrqading Ngloram airport in Cepu regency, under a cooperation which is nearing completion.
Another project is an animal feed plant in Blora regency, bordering with Grobogan regency, scheduled for completion this year.
"The renovation of A.Yani airport is still awaiting approval of the Army Chief of Staff with regard to improvement of the relevant memorandum of understanding," he said.
However, he said that of the total investment which had entered the province, the lion’s share was still meant for the cement plant in Pati.
"The value, reaching Rp200-Rp300 billion, is still not comparable with an investment for a cement plant," he said.