Domestic cement consumption in Indonesia dropped 5.8 per cent in the first quarter of 2009, president director of PT Semen Gresik, Dwi Sucipto, said.
"Demand for Semen Gresik meanwhile drops two per cent," he said after receiving an award from the Development and Financial Monitoring Agency for his success in implementing good corporate governance.
He said the biggest drop in demand occurred in Java followed by Sumatra and Kalimantan.
"Demand for the commodity in Sulawesi and the Indonesian eastern region still grows and we are lucky we have Semen Tonasa," he said.
Sucipto did not say in detail the amount of cement consumption in the period but based on economic growth report presented by finance minister Sri Mulyani cement sales from January to February still reached around 5500t while in the first quarter in 2008 the volume of domestic cement sales reached 9000t.
Regarding the drop, Sucipto, said he was not worried because demand for the commodity on the export market remained high. "We still conduct exports which could offset the drop in domestic cement consumption," he said.
Sucipto said the drop was related to the global crisis which still continued and the implementation of the recent legislative elections.