Holcim fell for a third day on Thursday bringing its three-day fall to CHF4.15 or 7.7 per cent. The share price decreased 95c (or 1.9 per cent) to CHF49.70. Compared with the Swiss Market index SMI® Price index which fell 17.1 points (or 0.3 per cent) on the day, this represented a relative price change of -1.5 per cent. As a result of the price decline the Price/Earnings multiple based on trailing twelve months earnings has improved to 3.4; the stock has a value percentile rank of 87.6 or rank of 19 out of 154 stocks with earnings.

Price Trend: The price dropped 4.3 per cent in the last week and crashed 11.7 per cent in the last month. In the last three months the number of falls outnumbered rises 35:26 or 1.35:1.