Belarus’ cement output increased by 10.4 per cent to 4,219,000t in 2008 compared with 2007, according to the National Statistics Committee. Production reportedly amounted to 282,600t in December, or 19.3 per cent less than in November and 1.5 per cent less than in December 2007.
The Belarusian government had set itself the task of increasing the domestic cement supply to 9.5Mt by 2010.
The increase was to be achieved through the modernisation of the existing plants and the construction of new ones.
Belarus currently has three cement works: AAT Krasnaselskbudmateryyaly in Vawkavysk, Hrodna region; the Belarusian Cement Plant in Kastsyukovichy, Mahilyow region; and PRUP Krychawtsementnashyfer in Krychaw, Mahilyow region.