Sephaku wins limestone mining licence for new cement plant
The Department of Minerals and Energy has granted Sephaku, a new entrant in South Africa’s cement industry a 30-year limestone mining right, the company said on Monday.
The licence was awarded to the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary Sephaku Development.
“The granting of the mining right is an important milestone for Sephaku Cement as it will provide necessary limestone resources to supply its Itsoseng cement project with raw materials for more than 30 years.” said chairperson Dr Lelau Mohuba.
Sephaku Cement initiated the Itsoseng cement project in 2006 when it acquired prospecting rights over a number of limestone reserves in the North West province. A feasibility study for a 2.2Mta cement plant had been completed earlier this year, after the proving up of the necessary reserves.
Sephaku stated in October this year that it had concluded a joint-venture agreement with cement manufacturer Dangote Cement, a subsidiary of Nigeria’s largest diversified group, to build the plant. The deal was valued at more than R900m.