Increased demand for cement has helped Adelaide Brighton to a record half-year profit of almost $48m, a rise of seven per cent on the previous corresponding period.
Adelaide Brighton says cement sales grew in all its main markets, resulting in a 10 per cent increase in volume.
The company’s lime sales grew by eight per cent.
The company says a record profit was achieved despite $4.5mof higher maintenance costs, due to a shutdown of its Birkenhead plant in Adelaide.

Adelaide Brighton says looking at Cemex Humex arm
Meanwhile, Mr Chellew said Adelaide Brighton would look at the Humes concrete pipes business that Cemex is looking to sell.

However he also said Adelaide Brighton was unlikely to make any big acquisitions in the near-term.

"We look at all acquisitions going forward. But I think the reality is that we’re not planning any large acquisitions over the next six months. But at the same time we do look at everything," Chellew told reporters.