Binani Cement weakened INR1.45 (or 2.4 per cent) to INR59.25. Compared with the BSE Sensex Index which fell 352.4 points (or 2.2 per cent) on the day, this represented a relative price change of -0.2 per cent.

Price Trend: The price plummeted 8.5 per cent in the last week and crashed 25.5 per cent in the last month. In the last three months the number of falls outnumbered rises 33:24 or 1.38:1.

Moving Average Price (MAP): The stock is trading below both its MAPs and the 50-day MAP of INR70.49 is lower than the 200-day MAP of RINR89.35, a bearish indicator. The 200-day MAP has decreased to INR89.35. A decrease is another bearish indicator.

Breakdown: The stock traded at an eleven-month low of Rs59.0 today.

Volatility: The stock traded between an intraday high of Rs62.50 and an eleven-month low of Rs59.0.

Moving Average Price (MAP): The price to 200-day MAP ratio is 0.66, a bearish indicator.

Volume and Turnover Period: There were 74,047 shares worth INR45 lakhs (US$106,327) traded. The volume was 0.3 times average trading of 215,781 shares. The turnover rate in the 12 months to date was 26.6 per cent (or a turnover period of three years nine months). This average length of ownership of the stock at 2.9 times the average holding period of one year three months for stocks in the BSE 500 Index suggests a larger number of core investors, making a long-term investment safer.