Holcim US Trident plant exceeds one million hours without a lost time accident
The Holcim (US) Inc. Trident Cement Plant in Three Forks, Mont., recently exceeded one million hours without a lost time accident (LTA). The plant has not had a lost time accident in more than six years.
"This is a very impressive safety record and we commend everyone at the Trident plant for taking safety to heart and developing and maintaining good safety practices," said Patrick Dolberg, President and CEO of Holcim (US). "As a company, we are proud of our safety record, and the Trident plant’s achievement exemplifies what we strive for in every facility."
With 84 employees, the Trident plant produces approximately 320,000tpa and contributes more than US$20m annually to the Montana economy.
Some of the better known projects where Trident products have been used include the Tongue River Reservoir, the Montana State University Chemistry Building, the Bennett Bay Bridge and the Big Sky Aerial Tram. In addition, Trident products have been used in various airport, highway and building projects around the state.
In operation for nearly 100 years, the plant has been updated and upgraded several times to keep up with changing technology and increasing demand. Demand for cement in Montana is expected to increase by an additional 27 percent over the next 25 years as the state’s population continues to grow.