J K Lakshmi Cement diminishes 2.1 per cent on fragile volume to Rs183.80. Compared with the SENSEX which fell 69.9 points (or 0.4%) on the day, this represented a relative price change of -1.7%. The volume was 0.5 times average trading of 119,706 shares. The stock fell for a second day on Thursday.

The price is at a premium of 7.0% to the 1-month volume weighted average price of Rs171.97. Given that this premium has been under 7.0% sixty-eight times and over 7.0% thirty-seven times in the last year, the downside:upside probability is estimated at 68:37 or 1.8:1. Since open its percentile rank in the BSE market was 26.4. The stock’s downward move was in keeping with the trend set by its Index including:

BSE500 which was down 5.4 points or 0.1% to 6974.2