The profit after tax of  Cherat Cement Company Limited  declined to Rs 184.158m in the year ended on June 30 as compared to Rs 537.785m earned in the corresponding period of last year. The earning per share of the company stood at Rs 1.93 in the period under review against Rs 5.63 in the same period last year. 
The board of directors of the company, in its meeting held here on Thursday, recommended cash dividend for the year at rupee one per share, ie 10 percent. The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) was informed that the net turnover of the company increased to Rs 2,619.960m in 2007 financial against Rs 2,434.513m in 2006 financial year.  
On the other hand, the cost of sales increased to Rs 2,242.296m in this period against Rs 1,448.882m last year. The company’s profit before tax declined to Rs 247.027m in the fiscal year against Rs 718.747m last year.