Holcim Ltd Thursday revealed new divisional targets for 2010, including a clear improvement in its building aggregates business.  

In aggregates, the company’s second-largest division,  Holcim expects the proportion of Ebitda to sales to rise to 27.0% in 2010, from 20.7% in 2006, according to documents made available after a  Holcim investor presentation.  

The company expects to achieve this margin target by reviewing its quarries, implementing efficiency measures and improving marketing.  

In its largest division, cement,  Holcim is looking to reach an Ebitda margin of 33.0%, up from 32.6% last year. The company expects its third-biggest division, focusing on other construction materials and services, to post an Ebitda margin of 8.0% in 2010 compared with 6.0% in 2006.