Cement manufacturers in Maharashtra have increased the price by Rs 3 a bag of 50kg in the second rate revision during the last three months.
"Major manufacturers in the state have hiked the prices for bulk consumers who procure directly from them," an industry official told PTI.
The prices have been revised to Rs 241 a bag from Rs 238 in Mumbai, he said.
However, retail prices, which are ruling much higher at Rs 265 per bag, have not been increased.
There is a wide gap between prices for retail customers and the bulk buyers. In the wake of rising demand from the large consumers for big projects, the industry in the state has chosen to increase the prices marginally.
Cement prices in the country have been rising over last one year, despite the government’s taking various measure like removing custom duty on imports. The government has also facilitated imports from Pakistan. Cement production during April-August stood at 68.09Mt compared to 62.42Mt in the year-ago period.
The dispatches, including exports, stood at 67.59Mt as against 61.96Mt in the review period.
The capacity utilisation during April-August has also improved to 95 per cent from 91 per cent in the corresponding period last year.