The profit after tax of Attock Cement Pakistan Limited has declined to Rs 796.433m in the year ended on June 30 as compared to Rs 908.609m in the same period last year. The earning per share of the company stood at Rs 11.04 in the period under review against Rs 12.59 in the same period last year.  
The board of directors of the company, in its meeting held on Tuesday at Damascus, recommended a final cash dividend for the year at Rs 4.50 per share, ie 45 percent.  
The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) was informed that the net sales of the company increased to Rs 4,560.402 million in this period against Rs 3,472.581 million in the same period last year. 
On the other hand, the cost of goods sold also increased to Rs 3,005.726 million in this period against Rs 1,807.534 million in the same period last year. The distribution cost increased to Rs 83.360 million against Rs 32.748 million. The company’s profit before tax stood at Rs 1,193.377 million in 2007 financial year against Rs 1,393.345 million in 2006.