Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd has reported a 170 per cent growth in net profit for the year ended March 2007. The company has posted a profit of Rs. 228.93 crore for 2006-07 as against Rs 84.85 crore for the previous year. The company reported a net profit of Rs 61.81 crore (Rs 53.53 crore) for the quarter ended March 2007, a rise of 15 per cent, a press release of the Dalmia Cement issued here on Wednesday said. The gross sales of the company rose by 87.14 per cent at Rs 343.34 crore (Rs 183.47 crore).
Moldovan plant is shut down due to energy shortage
The 1.2Mta Rybnitsa cement plant in Moldova has been stranded without gas and electricity, due t...