Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Ltd of India plans to set up a mini cement plant using the waste products generated from its paper mill as a raw material.

The company also plans to use the real estate that it owns in Chennai to set up a 4-lakh sq ft information technology park.

According to an official press release, moving the demand for grants to the Industries Department, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Mr M. Karunanidhi, announced in the Assembly that TNPL would set up a 400tpd cement plant at a cost of Rs 45 crore.

The facility to come up in two years will use the lime sludge from the pulp mill and fly ash from the captive power plant to manufacture cement.

The company is in the process of implementing a Rs 565-crore Mill Development Plan which would increase the output from its pulp mill to 800tpd from the present 500tpd.