Chile’s third largest cement producer  Cementos Bio Bio, controlled by the industrial group Briones, plans to invest US$50m in the construction of two plants in central Chile, under its plans to strenghten business, the company said on April 25, 2007.  
The company plans to build a new mill in its unit Industria Nacional del Cemento, located in Curico, 200 km south of the capital Santiago. The company plans also to build a new cement mill in the San Antonio Port, on the central coast of Chile.  
Cementos Bio Bio ranked Chile’s third largest cement company in sales in 2006, but was also the fastest growing of the top three companies.  
Cement sales in Chile rose to 4.1Mt in 2006, up 2.8 per cent YoY due to the rising number of public and private construction projects in the country.