Driven by the central region, Indian cement sales clocked a 10 per cent growth during the nine-month period ended December 31, 2006 over a 10 per cent growth in production.
According to the industry sources, sales during April-December 2006 were at 112.25Mt compared with 102Mt during the same period last fiscal. Similarly, production jumped to 112.87Mt compared to 102.33Mt.
The sharp growth has been attributed to increased consumption in the central region. Driven by Uttar Pradesh, the region registered a growth of 13 per cent, followed by the southern region (11 per cent) and northern region (11 per cent). The growth in western and eastern regions was nine and six per cent, respectively. Uttaranchal leads the pack of states with a huge growth of 27 per cent in consumption during April-December period, followed by Chattisgarh. Notable growth was also seen in Karnataka (21 per cent) and Himachal Pradesh (17 per cent).