Asia Cement Corp, Taiwan’s second-largest producer of cement, recently announced it would set aside US$11.36 million to expand production capacities of cement in such big cities as Wuhan of Hubei province, Chengdu of Sichuan province, and Yangzhou of Jiangsu province in mainland China.

Asia Cement noted it would invest US$7.36 million to expand the Yangzhou plant. It is expected Jiangsu Province will become Asia Cement’s fourth production site in the mainland, trailing Jiangxi, Hubei, and Sichuan provinces.

The company said it would sprint to launch expansion in Jiangxi and Chengdu plants. Of them, the Jianxi plant will complete the construction of a third kiln and the Chengdu plant will build a second kiln sometime in 2007.

After starting up mass production in the Jiangxi No.2 kiln and Sichuan No.1 kiln in 2006, Asia Cement will launch production in the Jiangxi No.3 kiln sometime in 2007. At that time, the company will see annual output amount to six million metric tons of cement in the mainland.

Asia Cement predicted it would see earnings from the mainland reach NT$1.2 billion (US$36.92 million) in 2007.