Vitor Sarquis Hallack has been selected by the shareholders of Camargo Correa group as head of the management of the operating holding Camargo Correa, replacing Raphael Nogueira, which is leaving this position from early September onwards. Hallack is executive manager of Bozano group since 1993, and since 1995 a member of the council of Embraer, while he spent 17 years of his carreer in the mining major CVRD.
The executive is to command a group with gross consolidated sales of R$8bil (2005), 32,000 employees, and a variety of business in Brazil and abroad, among which engineering & construction, cement, shoes (Alpargatas), textiles (Tavex, Santista), mettalllic silicium in addition to have shares in CCR (roadways concession), CPFL Energia (power), Usiminas (steel) and Itausa (financial services).